A blast from the past – Nokia 3310

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Summary: Oh dear, nostalgia hit us when we are at a stage of advancement and development, it is so common to feel it and given that fact companies take it as an advantage to their new releases each year. Generations always come with great cultural changes, and having the chance to interact with certain elements of your past when you were growing up is something that surely will leave a smile in your heart, and masses won’t hesitate to look that way with wonder. So, for a few years and precisely

Oh dear, nostalgia hit us when we are at a stage of advancement and development, it is so common to feel it and given that fact companies take it as an advantage to their new releases each year. Generations always come with great cultural changes, and having the chance to interact with certain elements of your past when you were growing up is something that surely will leave a smile in your heart, and masses won’t hesitate to look that way with wonder.

So, for a few years and precisely 2016, the Nokia Company was sort of silent. They launched products but there was no fuzz going on and no cover phone that will present as their own version of the future of smartphones in the market; so everyone was asking what is Nokia thinking?

Well, nevertheless their unofficial hiatus went on last year 2016, they announced previously that they will come back with everything in 2017 and right now one of their first official launch is the refreshed comeback of one classic archaic piece of tech that in its time marked the phone communications world. None other than the Nokia 3310!

The question is not how, but when!

The power of memories and practicality are bigger than many things, this refreshed model costs barely less than 50 EUR it has a simplistic version of the android system with a 2G range connection, allows users to access more easily to websites than discontinued tech such as the first 5 years of 2000s phones. And the visual of the phone remains similar to the original, the screen is a bit wider and more rounded shaped, also it keeps the simple keyboard integrated of the original 3310 version.

A blast from the past – Nokia 3310

The phone has been criticized as a simple way to call out attention to its brand, a magic trick of publicity to direct people’s attention to their whole concept since the updated Nokia has no other important characteristics rather than the mentioned before, and the battery runs out in the same period of time a smartphone takes.

The price of 50 EUR is calculated as certainly unfair, since the features do not make the phone a complete basic tool for today necessity regarding communications. The fact that you cannot access to any social media, and can only call and text message with a short lived battery, doesn’t leave a good result in the end more than just a cute model of old technology.

Nokia gave the world several models at the MCW 2017 a few days ago, besides the Nokia 3310 stand (which was the one that received more attention - There it goes the power of nostalgia), there were also three other phones called in order: Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and the highlighted Nokia 6.

All of them with different prices but not one overpriced presents a different set of features that can satisfy all kinds of public, even more than the refreshed model of Nokia 3310.
Against several odds, The Company decided this year will be their year no matter what.

Tags: News - Technology - Nokia

Christopher Miller
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