
Screenshot notifications on Instagram Stories are a fact

Screenshot notifications on Instagram Stories are a factAt the end of the year 2017, the news concerning the notifications at the moment of taking screenshots on Instagram stories was published, however, not all users had said function, because the famous photos and video app developers were still working on it. The workers already finished and the decision to take effect at the moment that Instagram´s next new update, which is now avail... see more »

The new One Plus T

The One Plus 3 Hey! There’s a new phone moving ahead to surprise us – and give a necessary change to the smart phone charade; the market is FULL of options, but differences between one and other are not really broad. Maybe that’s not a problem for the bigger percentage of the population that is so used to a routine and a common spectrum of events during each year, but that’s not any reason to stop expecting better and new inventions in such... see more »

UK battery

A new prototype Rightful development is not a one way road process that supposed to be simply and cheap… no. The steps from A to B and the nature of each (taking a page of industrialization) have to be timed and spotless in details, so when an industry of a nation keeps producing and producing, and producing some more… but does not take a look on its structure from the base once in a while. At the United Kingdom they know this truth, so ... see more »

The social network pandemonium

What – in – the – hell? Facebook has grown to become the most polemic main company of the social media market now. Running rallies against Snapchat (and other small competitors), not addressing up front certain issues in their platform, involved in several attempts of demands and a history of legal issues with other companies. The ambition of the company is not a real problem, but the way it seems to behave around those realities is curi... see more »

Augmented Dance with TANGO!

Augmented Dance with TANGO! Tango! This genre tech shows yet another side of Google’s technology outbreak of creativity, and it does as a success to be honest; it was designed for the development of augmented reality systems that will be embedded into new applications for Google users. What’s the real juice of this? It all lies under the reign of the AR – Augmented Reality aspect. The combination of real life scenery with 3D images an... see more »

A view on bitcoin’s future

Are you familiar with the popular concept of bitcoins? Right now that bubble is floating many lines, one of recognition and increase of value, other of possible future regulation… and finally the realm of banned things. Governments are on the lookout for this new dimension crosser –coin- that is hitting our reality from the screen to the real world. The actual economic power of this virtual currency is yet to be well defined, nevertheles... see more »

Generators – Top

Renewable energy! Europe is the one region of the world that is moving fast and furious with renewable sources of energy as a first choice for their society’s structure and advancement; it has been cleared out that most of Europe, around an 85 or even 90% of the continent’s land can now relay on that option. The great news goes for Wind energy, which is actually the one that represents almost the whole percentage of renewables, and the ... see more »

Google news!

We all know that Google is the horse that never gets left behind in the big race when technology is the field of competition, and this year the announcement of their upcoming launch series of devices brings a lot of juice to the game. Each year the beloved company has a new smartphone to offer, a set of wearable devices and many more advancements; physical or pure digital like new OS or update to their AI projects. They have been focusin... see more »

The Instagrm effect

Instagram’s Popularity Most things now are driven by money and standardization of people’s lives, it is not odd that social networks are used for the same, given that those are constituted by the offer of a service… rather than just be a clear channel of communication between people. Taking that in notice, we have to be aware of how things work and what benefit they leave us besides entertainment and whatever their leaders are selling u... see more »

Samsung: Moving towards stretchability

Guess what? Advancements in the field of technology, specifically towards smartphone techs and its gadgets is taking a turn to flexibility… timing is right for the exercise since the world will cease imagining it and begin to enjoy the first stretchable phone ever! From no other company but Samsung, we will be delivered in our hands this invention that has been at official development since several years back. The company will showcase it a... see more »

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Facebook Messenger - Download

Facebook always looks for more We share constantly through social media all the time. Is a never stopping activity that grew to be part of our fundamental routines. Actions that have reactions and so, but instantly and with real feedback, that’s a resume of what the present day communications hand to us. The chance of surpassing details, frontiers, and limits. Facebook connect us, builds bridges for us that pose and easier way of communi... see more »

WhatsApp - Download

Platforms of social media went from simplistic and single way oriented to highly efficient components of worldwide communications in a matter of a few years. As smart phones systems were expanding, so it was the toolkit app stores had available for users, and sooner than later they became more essential to the experience of the device. Truth is, after 2010 a smart phone didn’t felt complete without applications like Whatsapp.What’s up?This pla... see more »

Viber - Download

Send messages with good vibes Viber Media – Is the company responsible for the creation of the app “Viber”, an alternative for the instant messaging demand in the app world. It has 6 years on the market since 2010 and has almost a billion of users registered on its database. The original idea was designed to compete against a Skype system, but it became more than just another option out there. It has an engine with HD Voice offer for a more... see more »

Pinterest - Download

Get your ideas on plain sight with Pinterest How relevant Pinterest can be for marketing? Might be a question you asked yourself at some point, or maybe not. We have so many options from where to choose to advertise for ourselves, but it is so often difficult to make a decision of what might be best for business. So, what’s the right course of action to take? Invest on it! There might be individuals that are boosting their projects meanwhi... see more »

Instagram - Download

Instants with the weight of life Who would have guessed? that capturing memories and shared them on the internet through a social network interface will constitute one of the top choices to connect with others and send a message that reach masses and communicate what you want successfully. Advantage of social media The weights of memories are a good currency and someone on the Instagram Company knew this very well. Whatever calls you... see more »

BBM - Download

The instant messaging service made by RIM (Research in Motion Limited), creators of the phones that marked a trend in the first years of the millennium and maintained a supremacy until the beginning of the new decade, until the preferences of the users changed to other system that were not limited to the exclusive use of a BlackBerry. A limitation that does not exist, since BBM is available for Android phones with the 4.0 operating system or ... see more »

Zoosk - Download

Since the arrival of internet, having dates have evolved, and a lot of relationships have been formed through this way. Many websites offered online dating services so you could find your other half.Zoosk App to find a coupleFrom some years ago, people have become addicted to their smartphones and to do multiple tasks with them, including meeting new people.This is made through applications designed to such ends, and one that is most renowned ... see more »

Hitwe - Download

Technology has changed everything, it has become essential to our lives and each time all the things we do, we do it technology’s help. Since the apparitions of applications, or apps, to communicate with others via text messaging, the world turned 180 degrees, and the way we interact with others has never been the same. These apps are more advance and feature more functions to get close with the entire world. Either way, the way we meet peo... see more »

Uber - Download

The technology is present everywhere and everyday deeper into lives and the things we do day by day. Today even calling a taxi can be made in a quick and simple way with just an app from your smartphone. You just have to download the Uber application and from there you can order a taxi in a comfortable way and without waiting long periods of time. The Uber company is present in many countries around the world, even though his central headqu... see more »

Badoo - Download

Badoo is the social network that not only connects you with people that adds you, but it shows you the people that are near to you in order to contact them and invite them to see your profile in to meet them in real life. Mobile application Now is much better, since it shows you the people that were near you when you were crossing the streets in real life. It doesn't matter if you are standing on a corner, or you are at the gym or riding... see more »

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Netflix - Download

Hey! Netflix, anyone? Of course you know this service, it is actually one of the leaders of worldwide streaming services, or it can be easily deduced as the number one and only leader of that realm. For the moment, it only offers movies and TV Series, not only already known content but also ORIGINAL content; the brand has gone from regular revenues to top notch in just a matter of a few years, excellent service and a great experience, that’s w... see more »

Linkedin - Download

LinkedIn is one of the most appreciated tools right now, one of the main things companies analyze of potential employers and even partners, is their job history and certified knowledge; simply put, their professional well-structured resume. LinkedIn is your digital profile that collects everything of your hard work and put it together with a nice standardized template for people who are interested in individuals like you and me, can find us qu... see more »

Find your iOs

Find your iOs It’s time to clean the trash! Your current computer might have more used space than it actually should, and the thing is you probably don’t know and might not know why until the issue grows further the regular control. So, what can you do, which tool can you apply in order to search and destroy the dead weight you are carrying on? Well, first of all that will depend on your computer and the operative system specifically. ... see more »

The Big network

The Big network People have been waiting the great advance and development of a new and more elevated internet connection since… always. The never stop quest and desire for a loyal network that almost never gets broken or toyed with, and its constantly flowing like a current of water, is something we all share in common through the planet. We know mobile networks have stayed the same (basically) for years, and the updates regarding whate... see more »

Smart safety

Smart safety Are we really safe? Security systems installed around our houses are actually doing a job that transcends the common sense of insecurity we often have in this society? We often get into alleys while wondering how effective things are for us, and even more when it relays on other people or automated systems that may not foresee all the variables and outcomes we can see… It’s an odd feeling, when we are alone and we do not tr... see more »

How does Google Glass work?

One of the many divisions of Google is called Google X . The Google X projects face major engineering problems, and one of the many projects he has worked with the division's Project Glass.The main purpose of the project was to build a wearable that allow you to explore and share your world through a pair of glasses. Once released the beta program for developers, Google Glass holders can use it to: remember meetings and events calendar, alert ... see more »

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How to protect your Android from infection?

Android is one of the most popular operating systems today, this makes it very vulnerable to various attacks by malicious software aimed at mobile devices. According to a report from the web Genbeta 98% of mobile infections goes to Android, so if you have this operating system is better to take precautions to avoid being contaminated as this can have disastrous consequences for the functioning of your device and in your pocket (you'll know why... see more »

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