Conscious science

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Summary: Applications of great aid can come in the simplest of presentations, and though that is not the exact case here given that the interface is quite enjoyable it does happen that the tool "Conscious"; was thought as a direct mean for a definite task. Conscious is for wanders of mind verse; those marvelous thoughts that don’t come up often and are commonly lost have a designated space just right here. Those thoughts that get away are done to be collected before they even have the chance th

Applications of great aid can come in the simplest of presentations, and though that is not the exact case here given that the interface is quite enjoyable it does happen that the tool "Conscious"; was thought as a direct mean for a definite task.

Conscious is for wanders of mind verse; those marvelous thoughts that don’t come up often and are commonly lost have a designated space just right here. Those thoughts that get away are done to be collected before they even have the chance through this app, bounded to allow you the successful capture of the ideas that seem like they won’t be repeating any time soon, original content you encounter in the middle of reasoning and precious meditation, it can all be storage here.

Speak your mind!

Yes, it is time to let it out. All those not so concrete thoughts and ideas deserve a spot to be freed, no matter what ventilating is necessary for the human mind, an given that art is the main media for express ourselves then what better way to do it than by writing? With Conscious you will have the same battle with the mind, we can’t delete our own ideas, they can be temporarily forgotten of course… but thoughts once they sprout out of our heads, they can never be thought back.

In the same fashion as our brain activity, as many ideas we have, several of them will vanish if we do not get on moving to write them down or record them, so via Conscious we keep them safe for further pursue and possible development! All your information and personal data is not shared through any media, the app is individual and there’s no social network trace in it; provided info is encrypted also.

Conscious science

Along with other apps for writing exercises and creativity improvement, Conscious works. But to be honest, in the end is an application that needs updates on its service. More personalization and customable aspects should be in order since no matter how much you write with it, still for publishing purposes and further development you need to work it out through another platform. By englobing more aspects of a writers world or even an artists in general, maybe the app would work better, nevertheless is still in development so all the rightful improvements can happen in time to grow it out with your ideas at the same time.

The application is an experimental one, is still at the first version and people are curious of its use. No matter what, all people should give it a go and put together book ideas, plans of your dream job, crafting thoughts; give the final details to that entrepreneur’s project circling all over your head and simply put, give a reason to all you arguments, do not share things without a complete look oversight what you want to reach with it.

Conscious, you already have sort of a control of it, but the unconscious remains wild so what about making this app a backup for your own unconscious and short term memory? That is an app destined for a future!

Tags: News - Technology - Conscious

Christopher Miller
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