Summary: It was August 2012 when a fact of space aeronautics marked a milestone in the history of mankind, bringing to land on the surface of Mars the first robot created by man, and being since then an invaluable source of information from the red planet. Curiosity Rover, a name given to this scientific spacecraft and that has contributed exclusive images of Martian craters, whose surface has obtained sample material details that are sent to the center responsible for the mission command. By then
It was August 2012 when a fact of space aeronautics marked a milestone in the history of mankind, bringing to land on the surface of Mars the first robot created by man, and being since then an invaluable source of information from the red planet.
Curiosity Rover, a name given to this scientific spacecraft and that has contributed exclusive images of Martian craters, whose surface has obtained sample material details that are sent to the center responsible for the mission command.
By then, the robot created by the National Agency for Space Administration (NASA), had a cost of 2.5 billion dollars, achieving the objective to withstand the extreme conditions of the atmosphere of the neighboring planet, with a technology that has enabled communication and control with the team of NASA experts.
The Curiosity Rovermoves across the surface of Mars achieving progress through all types of terrain with different characteristics by unequal they are, thanks to their special tires, allowing it to thoroughly investigate various sectors of the red planet and send the samples to Earth.
A rather striking detail is that this NASA robot, was the first to have its own Twitter account where continuously interacts with fans of astronomy while informing the public about the progress of the mission by publishing images and videos, including selfie type, very fashionable today.
The relevance of the mission of Curiosity Rover on Mars soil has been made to understand more scientific characteristics about planet Mars, raising the possibility of creating human colonies there in the not too distant future.
NASA did not want to overlook this anniversary and celebrates it with the release of games for mobile phones and computers which can handle the Curiosity Rover on the ground of Mars as if you were a member of the team that coordinates the mission .
Scientists estimate that Curiosity Rover may be two more year active on Mars, time at which begins to suffer wear that prevents continue functioning optimally, but certainly his legacy information will remain in history as one of the precursors of the Martian conquest.
Private space missions
The US government has given approval to a mission to the moon, but this time will be conducted by a private firm, independent of NASA, a fact that is also significant because it had never been authorized any private firm for this type space missions on the moon before.
This mission will send a space probe with scientific instruments to explore the resources of the natural satellite of the Earth. The Moon Express mission will also take human ashes and its operations will be carried out over the course of two weeks.
7 years, 4 months ago
What a boring Sunday