Facebook harsh reality

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Summary: Oculus has been since 2014 a direct adopted relative of the Facebook Company; with many excellences delivered past year, virtual reality advances has been accomplished thanks to their investment and research at 2016. And now is moving on to grow much more in the same field and beyond; but so far is not having the promised success in early 2017. The VR Company met their first issues with a big lawsuit of 500 million dollars that declared allegations on property theft of the intellectual idea

Oculus has been since 2014 a direct adopted relative of the Facebook Company; with many excellences delivered past year, virtual reality advances has been accomplished thanks to their investment and research at 2016. And now is moving on to grow much more in the same field and beyond; but so far is not having the promised success in early 2017.

The VR Company met their first issues with a big lawsuit of 500 million dollars that declared allegations on property theft of the intellectual idea they were developing. That issue echoed into several profitable ongoing activities of Oculus, and endangered the harmony of projects in development at the moment.

The company’s lawsuit happened because of history regarding the Oculus startup days before Facebook purchased it, the intellectual property problems were born in earlier days when the project of the Oculus Rift was led by Palmer Luckey and other partners. When the help of a certain professional called John Carmack came, things elevated to a better level of quality. The headset device improved its graphics and became a more desirable product for the market; the lawsuit is done because the knowledge used by Carmack was acquired in his previous work with the brand Zenimax; therefore an alleged lawsuit for intellectual theft was established since the tech result at the end of 2014 was supposedly a product made possible by that core information.

Facebook harsh reality

Oculus performance is still moving on with the VR demonstrations done at many stores throughout the U.S, but since the company is still on its first years, it depends greatly on those earnings to keep investing on projects and work as a standalone company. One of the main sources of income that the company had since last year was the Best Buy alliance regarding their Oculus Rift demonstrations at their stores.

Store performance was bound to happen with those devices to the reach of all sorts of users and curious enthusiasts of technology and games; but nevertheless the reason for many suspended VR demos was called out as a lack of store performance, therefore the investment in Oculus could affect their finances wrongly instead of being an advantage.

Being that is not necessarily truth as a whole; Best Buy declared that they will pull off VR demos from their store but only from certain stores, not all of them. And they said that decision was due to “seasonal changes” that affect sales stability.

Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is on a high spot right now, Facebook’s Oculus is such a great project than will expand greatly but first it needs to step up into better grounds than the first 2 months of 2017. Right now, the situation is not the best but there’s always better directions to take you boat. And CEO, Mark Zuckerberg knows that; that’s why he decided to hire for the virtual reality development, Hugo Barra, which is an employee with executive and practical experience at Google and other companies with similar goals for the field.

Tags: News - Technology - Facebook

Christopher Miller
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