Screenshot notifications on Instagram Stories are a fact


Screenshot notifications on Instagram Stories are a fact

Screenshot notifications on Instagram Stories are a factAt the end of the year 2017, the news concerning the notifications at the moment of taking screenshots on Instagram stories was published, however, not all users had said function, because the famous photos and video app developers were still working on it. The workers already finished and the d... see more »

The new One Plus T


The new One Plus T

The One Plus 3 Hey! There’s a new phone moving ahead to surprise us – and give a necessary change to the smart phone charade; the market is FULL of options, but differences between one and other are not really broad. Maybe that’s not a problem for the bigger percentage of the population that is so used to a routine and a common spectrum of events ... see more »

UK battery


UK battery

A new prototype Rightful development is not a one way road process that supposed to be simply and cheap… no. The steps from A to B and the nature of each (taking a page of industrialization) have to be timed and spotless in details, so when an industry of a nation keeps producing and producing, and producing some more… but does not take a look on ... see more »

The social network pandemonium


The social network pandemonium

What – in – the – hell? Facebook has grown to become the most polemic main company of the social media market now. Running rallies against Snapchat (and other small competitors), not addressing up front certain issues in their platform, involved in several attempts of demands and a history of legal issues with other companies. The ambition of t... see more »

Augmented Dance with TANGO!


Augmented Dance with TANGO!

Augmented Dance with TANGO! Tango! This genre tech shows yet another side of Google’s technology outbreak of creativity, and it does as a success to be honest; it was designed for the development of augmented reality systems that will be embedded into new applications for Google users. What’s the real juice of this? It all lies under the rei... see more »

A view on bitcoin’s future


A view on bitcoin’s future

Are you familiar with the popular concept of bitcoins? Right now that bubble is floating many lines, one of recognition and increase of value, other of possible future regulation… and finally the realm of banned things. Governments are on the lookout for this new dimension crosser –coin- that is hitting our reality from the screen to the real worl... see more »

Generators – Top


Generators – Top

Renewable energy! Europe is the one region of the world that is moving fast and furious with renewable sources of energy as a first choice for their society’s structure and advancement; it has been cleared out that most of Europe, around an 85 or even 90% of the continent’s land can now relay on that option. The great news goes for Wind energy... see more »

Google news!


Google news!

We all know that Google is the horse that never gets left behind in the big race when technology is the field of competition, and this year the announcement of their upcoming launch series of devices brings a lot of juice to the game. Each year the beloved company has a new smartphone to offer, a set of wearable devices and many more advancements;... see more »

The Instagrm effect


The Instagrm effect

Instagram’s Popularity Most things now are driven by money and standardization of people’s lives, it is not odd that social networks are used for the same, given that those are constituted by the offer of a service… rather than just be a clear channel of communication between people. Taking that in notice, we have to be aware of how things wor... see more »

Samsung: Moving towards stretchability


Samsung: Moving towards stretchability

Guess what? Advancements in the field of technology, specifically towards smartphone techs and its gadgets is taking a turn to flexibility… timing is right for the exercise since the world will cease imagining it and begin to enjoy the first stretchable phone ever! From no other company but Samsung, we will be delivered in our hands this invention... see more »

Switzerland is choosing cleaner energy!


Switzerland is choosing cleaner energy!

About damn time! For many years a part of the world wide population has being working with the goal of getting new energy sources as the main fountain for keeping society in most of its fields just as it is, but better. Reduce the damage done to earth’s nature, stop the exploitation of common and massive sources of energy, and evolve into more con... see more »

The light of the sun tree


The light of the sun tree

Ryan McSorley created something pretty cool, a gadget that is out of common grounds! The “Solar Suntree” is an artificial tree, tiny tree, which comes with the mighty power of providing you with free electricity through sonar panels. And you can have it right there on your desk or coffee table. It is made out of wood and has nine little solar p... see more »

Snapchat: fighting through competition


Snapchat: fighting through competition

Let’s chat about snapUpdate season! Snapchat already added their new set of creative and personalization tools, just as the ongoing rally to defend itself against Instagram continues.This tool set that is boosting up their present arsenal is setting up the new feud between the companies, and since Facebook has several brands under its wing, it is cle... see more »

Opera's new set


Opera's new set

What a wonderful time to go to the Opera! It might seem outdated to its prime time but still has quite the class and entertainment for having a great experience; even if we’re talking about the web browser which have stayed as one of the main alternatives when you do not want to follow the line of Chrome and Mozilla (maybe even Windows Internet Explo... see more »

Smart safety


Smart safety

Smart safety Are we really safe? Security systems installed around our houses are actually doing a job that transcends the common sense of insecurity we often have in this society? We often get into alleys while wondering how effective things are for us, and even more when it relays on other people or automated systems that may not foresee all... see more »


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