How Smartphones have changed through the years.


How Smartphones have changed through the years.

Through the years, we have been able to witness the major progress the technology industry have had One of the most significant inventions is the cell phone, that later led to smartphones, due to the fact that socialization and communication are very important for human beings and that technology advancement has allowed people to communicate with oth... see more »

Myoelectric and 3D-printed prosthetics


Myoelectric and 3D-printed prosthetics

Are cyborgs leaving the fictional world to join the real one? Recently, new models of prosthetics have been designed in order to make patients feel better and actually be able to use their arms and hands. Technology has made possible the improvement of the quality of life of those who suffered a disease that led to amputation, those who lost a lim... see more »

Robots and the American dream


Robots and the American dream

If people were already scared with the idea of machine’s taking over somehow, or artificial intelligence gone rouge from human configuration… then this combination will be ten times worse. Robots taking over our jobs Yeah, if people start to think about it seriously maybe society will fall into an abyss of paranoia. Because come o... see more »

The eradication of buttons


The eradication of buttons

Guess what? Thanks to Apple's visionaries we have button less smart phones since a dozen of years ago, and not only this but the power of touchscreens and other basic techs of modernism were adapted with that point of break, so the new devices of now keep following those ideas and concepts and keep expanding the smart capacity of small computers and ... see more »

A great location system


A great location system

Cerberus! You have one of the hellish dogs at your service combine with a brain for locating your personal device when it gets lost or worse, stolen. Yes, we all know that physical value is the lesser of all, but when we have worked so hard to purchase something such as our personal smart phone device, how can we expect not to worry when it gets l... see more »

The beauty of story telling, Spotify


The beauty of story telling, Spotify

Have you ever heard of Spotify? Sure you have, and if not i encourage you to meet it because the leader of streaming music will be a perfect window for you when music is needed in your daily routine and there is nothing that can help you. The streaming feature of this ex Android-only app comes with the variety it offers from the start, it declares to... see more »

Photos with hyperspeed


Photos with hyperspeed

Instagram decided to take a new route at 2014 when they invested on an iOS alternative of their own making called Hyperlapse; one app that keep the line of multimedia editing and social media sharing but with a more detailed purpose… shoot original videos from your phone and turn them super-fast (or at the range of speed you desire) as a fast ... see more »

The beauty of story telling


The beauty of story telling

Construct your own story by sharing videos, your favorite photos, texts of your own making and more, with an application design for a more insightful and creative way of sharing. We all know that everyone holds their own story and getting to meet another person’s perspective is a process of emotion and excitement since is not the same way as... see more »

Note, list and go


Note, list and go

Vesper is the iOS application you need right now on your smartphone. Why? Well is quite simple actually, the deliberation of your mind sometimes needs a little help to spur out all the right and creative ideas that live in it, so what better course of action than getting a tool to improve that? If a smart phone or a tablet is what accompanies you all... see more »

Paper town – Imagination


Paper town – Imagination

Let your creativity swim with the artistic current that flows right through you! Our individual ideas fits certain platforms rather than other, and finding the right one might not be so difficult when we try out apps designed to aid us on it. How one possible future drawer discovers from scratch which career path to take? It is only through experi... see more »

Amazon’s Favorite


Amazon’s Favorite

The Navdy system and you! – Driving like you never had imagined before, having an interface that aids you and doesn’t distract you from the actual road because is integrated into your own car and vehicle vision… and it’s great display system comes from the freshness and constant innovation of top enterprises from the great mi... see more »

Cash – Cash – Ipad!


Cash – Cash – Ipad!

How do you prefer making your payments? Depending on the society of your origin there's probably a range of opinion with big variations even though there's like 4 commonly accepted ways of changing your money for the service or product you desire. Cash, checks, debit and credit cards, transferences (programmed or not), there's a few other opti... see more »

The hair of fire – Science of impressionism


The hair of fire – Science of impressionism

How the world is shaping from its grounds to the more simple resolutions on each category of technology, science and even hair products, is astonishing to say the least, even scary sometimes but one thing that is not is slow. The pace of each generation of improvements and research takes different slots of time but it always leads to results, adva... see more »

Not a plane, neither superman – a drone!


Not a plane, neither superman – a drone!

Yep, our skies are soon to be populated with flying drones doing deliveries, cab trips, exploring, tourism and many other fun and cool activities that give us a service that we will never expect from a regular experience; so let's imagine for a second how can we be receiving deliveries thanks to drone use. Since it popular commercial launch, drone... see more »

Switch to Nintendo!


Switch to Nintendo!

The new console of Nintendo is called Switch! And guess what? Yes, it is a portable platform for the go, but the plot thickens because the platform has a sort of mixture between regular homes based classic Nintendo gaming consoles and movable too. How so? You can link it to the TV and play right there at home or just connect the whole controllers to ... see more »


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