Netflix - Download


Netflix - Download

Hey! Netflix, anyone? Of course you know this service, it is actually one of the leaders of worldwide streaming services, or it can be easily deduced as the number one and only leader of that realm. For the moment, it only offers movies and TV Series, not only already known content but also ORIGINAL content; the brand has gone from regular revenues t... see more »

Linkedin - Download


Linkedin - Download

LinkedIn is one of the most appreciated tools right now, one of the main things companies analyze of potential employers and even partners, is their job history and certified knowledge; simply put, their professional well-structured resume. LinkedIn is your digital profile that collects everything of your hard work and put it together with a nice sta... see more »

Find your iOs


Find your iOs

Find your iOs It’s time to clean the trash! Your current computer might have more used space than it actually should, and the thing is you probably don’t know and might not know why until the issue grows further the regular control. So, what can you do, which tool can you apply in order to search and destroy the dead weight you are carrying on?... see more »

The Big network


The Big network

The Big network People have been waiting the great advance and development of a new and more elevated internet connection since… always. The never stop quest and desire for a loyal network that almost never gets broken or toyed with, and its constantly flowing like a current of water, is something we all share in common through the planet. We k... see more »

Smart safety


Smart safety

Smart safety Are we really safe? Security systems installed around our houses are actually doing a job that transcends the common sense of insecurity we often have in this society? We often get into alleys while wondering how effective things are for us, and even more when it relays on other people or automated systems that may not foresee all... see more »

How does Google Glass work?


How does Google Glass work?

One of the many divisions of Google is called Google X . The Google X projects face major engineering problems, and one of the many projects he has worked with the division's Project Glass.The main purpose of the project was to build a wearable that allow you to explore and share your world through a pair of glasses. Once released the beta program fo... see more »


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