How Tech is a shared common treasure

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Summary: Secrecy is a unavoidable reality from a single group of a community to apparently normal divisions of health organizations, collective communities of scientific and technological research or individual professionals working out their own theories at their labs; everybody keep secrets and most of those secrets are always kept as digital files in personal computers… those pcs or laptops or even smart phones are probably connected to internet and just by that fact it makes it a target for h

Secrecy is a unavoidable reality from a single group of a community to apparently normal divisions of health organizations, collective communities of scientific and technological research or individual professionals working out their own theories at their labs; everybody keep secrets and most of those secrets are always kept as digital files in personal computers… those pcs or laptops or even smart phones are probably connected to internet and just by that fact it makes it a target for hackers that nowadays don’t hold any weapon in, the put all out and most security systems can be cracked out by certain experienced professionals of such field, so in a way we cannot be 100% sure that information kept in digital form will be always safe.

So, what happens when a database in the internet that gathers classified information gets affected by such situation as a leak of secrets? Well, we can see the repetitive case of Wikileaks during the past 3 years or so, many scandals have seen the light of disgrace rightfully done because of all the dirt the parties hold in their secret business, so it doesn’t come as a surprise when a recent leak happened and allegedly compromised several technological firms that launch products aimed to “connect all of us” and “keep personal data safe” – customers of many products of Apple, Samsung and other companies are curious to see and understand the information presented in such leaked documents that date from 2013 to 2016.

All the info poses as a vulnerable reality where is well established that CIA and other intelligence organizations might work to hack leader tech companies feed of communication.

Unify knowledge, gather advancements

How Tech is a shared common treasure

Situations like Europe’s Brexit are a threat to technology’s market stability, also its own development and increase can be endangered because such separation could develop new revisions of the procedures regarding alliances of companies and organizations responsible for putting together products and strategies for investment.

Technology is a key component of Europe’s whole economy and cutting short the investment rate for that category because of this main country’s exit of the Europe Union might lead to awful early results for tech growth.

One big example of this can be foreseen if we take the example of the U.S; Silicon Valley is what it is thanks to the fact that it became a community of knowledge that allowed foreign cultures to cross the world to the United States to become part of this limitless search for technological and scientific expansion and research, and putting all those cultures together working side by side lead to many wonders of our modern world since the 21th century began, and even more today. So, what would be the main way to put up a wall in between a great piece of talent spread through mixed culture communities? The fact that Brexit is getting done. All respect should be given to the parties involved because in the end it is a collective decision of each part, but in order to find better ways to keep moving tech and other categories that keep this magnificent region of the world in such a great state is to talk all details through, and avoid losing what once made this union an unstoppable force of development.

Tags: News - Technology - Teach

Christopher Miller
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