How the Smartphone changed us?

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Summary: Might sound as exaggerated, but besides communications and demolish several barriers of sharing with the world... how else the smart phone technology has altered our routine, and what exactly is different in us thanks to its involvement in our lives. Are we physically different? Slightly, maybe or perhaps the changes are in other aspects of us. Let's see. We as the human race are driven by emotions, and depending of which kind of emotion is moving us then the direction we take regarding chan

Might sound as exaggerated, but besides communications and demolish several barriers of sharing with the world... how else the smart phone technology has altered our routine, and what exactly is different in us thanks to its involvement in our lives. Are we physically different? Slightly, maybe or perhaps the changes are in other aspects of us. Let's see.

We as the human race are driven by emotions, and depending of which kind of emotion is moving us then the direction we take regarding change can give different fruits. There are things that can lead to obsession but given the good sensation as a result of using it, we can virtually ignore the secondary effects it has. After being afflicted by overuse then we start to consider if it’s actually good to us or not, the endless example of the cigar is the perfect guideline for this. It doesn’t leave us any greater good compared to a fruit, but humanity still consumes it and even though there have been several regulations during history, is one of the bigger business of “pleasure” even though is an established world-wide vice.

So, besides activities than directly endangers our human condition from the inside, let’s take a look at our present and see what exactly is going with us and technology. First of all, that ongoing fact that civilization is leading to a dull existence where machines do everything for us and we barely move and think is a clear possibility expressed by art and certain projections done in this century, but moving too forward in time might not be the best thing to do; being clear of the present might be better, and one of the issues right now is the overuse of smartphones.

How the Smartphone changed us?

The main aspect that resounds this issue is the fact that a common phone battery is due to last let’s say maybe a whole day or even two, but we can make it last 10 to 8 hours and when we see it needs half a battery of charge we decide to leave it charging with barely turning it off around a whole week, because we’re always feel the need to “be in communication”. Power Banks and other devices to keep the phone charging with us and not having to sit down and wait for traditional chargers is another reason why is becoming an obsession, a vice.

Compulsive behavior, anxiety, internet dependency and even help to gather sleep issues. Those are the most common psychological aspects that can be achieved by the overuse of the smart phone nowadays.

Physically it can affect us too! Our back can become curved by the simple action of looking down constantly and for several periods of time to watch our phones. If we sum up all the time we do this daily it can be like 4 hours a day. Also we can acquire myopia thanks to prolonged use during the night (lack of natural light forces the eye to focus on the tiny screen’s light and that will lower down the full capacity of our sight.

The great lesson is always simple, avoid overusing and depending on a piece of tech, that in the end won’t resolve all issues for us and in some way can lead us to live in digital reality rather than… reality.

Tags: News - Smartphone - Technology

Christopher Miller
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