Summary: Opera Mini is the mobile version of the web browser Opera. As a specific mobile web browser, it is the most widely used. The number of devices that get Opera Mini is very broad. This application has two main features: the speed of rendering the pages. This is because Opera Mini performs a caching of the websites on its servers, compressing the data and downloading the necessary for the mobile data. The second feature is: downloading a few data, which allows to consume a little of our data p
Opera Mini is the mobile version of the web browser Opera. As a specific mobile web browser, it is the most widely used. The number of devices that get Opera Mini is very broad.
This application has two main features: the speed of rendering the pages. This is because Opera Mini performs a caching of the websites on its servers, compressing the data and downloading the necessary for the mobile data. The second feature is: downloading a few data, which allows to consume a little of our data plans that is very good for the people without a flat rate mobile or a reduced processing capacity of their devices.
The mobile version of Opera keeps the specific characteristics and functions as the Desktop browser, such as the themes, the webcam and the access to the hardware acceleration. For the interface, Opera has an easy and friendly user graphical interface.
The big news in the latest version of Opera is related to the extensions, since to install or uninstall the add-ons, there is no need to restart the browser. With regard to the speed, the application is, as fast as, Google Chrome and offers an optimal browsing experience.
Opera Mini also has the function to scan and generate QR codes . The scanner can be used without having to close or leave in the background the Opera Mini app.
Opera Mini adds the support for 13 types of Indian languages (dialects). The interesting thing is that the application has the possibility to choose a different language than the one installed, either because is because you want to practice or just for fun. The configuration to manage the languages is simple and does not need to read a tutorial.
With Opera Mini we can also choose the search engine (google, bing, yahoo, etc.), but also each of the supported categories, such as the images, the shopping and the movies. Another utility is that we can use the camera to upload images and perform a query.
Opera Mini is a simple, practical and useful browser. The application is available on Android, IOS, Windows 10 ,completely for free, it do not consume many resources and is very fast, also adding all the aforementioned functions.
Links of Official Sites
Official WebSite: Opera MiniWindows/Linux/OSX: Opera Mini PC
Apple Store: Opera Mini IOS
Google Play: Opera Mini Android
Windows Phone: Opera Mini Windows Phone
Amazon Appstore: Not Available
8 years, 8 months ago
I want to download facebook and opera mini
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