Paper town – Imagination

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Summary: Let your creativity swim with the artistic current that flows right through you! Our individual ideas fits certain platforms rather than other, and finding the right one might not be so difficult when we try out apps designed to aid us on it. How one possible future drawer discovers from scratch which career path to take? It is only through experimenting and pursuing curiosity that individuals move on to find which field to develop in. Being perception the base of our own compasses, then we

Let your creativity swim with the artistic current that flows right through you! Our individual ideas fits certain platforms rather than other, and finding the right one might not be so difficult when we try out apps designed to aid us on it.

How one possible future drawer discovers from scratch which career path to take? It is only through experimenting and pursuing curiosity that individuals move on to find which field to develop in. Being perception the base of our own compasses, then we have to listen and never leave starving our own curiosity; and the best way to do it in our modernity is through technology and doing.

Smartphone apps for example such as Lettrs, are made with a sense of familiar community (within the same art subject) and several features to inspire and impulse all users to engage in active creativity. In the case of Lettrs we have an inspiring social media based app to write, but there’s also app options that do not have an specific user target regarding their career paths than can simply aid you in the road of becoming more creative and efficient, and those are the ones that worth the most.

Put together by the minds of Fifthy Three, Paper & Pencil is an application created for the iOS platform with the sole purpose of making us a more organized force of ideas and creation. Making simple notes and scheduled calendars don’t cut it in the end, so this apps hands over more précised tools in order to get things done.

One of its most highlighted features is the sketching, through that option users can draw over any photo they want in order to remind themselves successfully about something specific and therefore established easier connections. Having all your thoughts and ideas put together condensed into a specific space, one that you take always with you on your phone.

Paper town – Imagination

Create, Draw, Have Fun!

Title it Paper & Pencil resulted in the simplest and more adequate way to describe it at the same time, why? The app is made for take quick and organized notes of your thoughts and ideas so you can maintain them alive with constancy through its platform. Access to all your notes with categories, labels, different and defined spaces with specified settings and titles; also adding up pictures that relate to each idea, drawing sketches and highlight all details about it; every feature possible within a simple interface to put together in high fashion your projects without any loss at all.

As many other applications nowadays, Paper & Pencil is structured with a sense of community so it comes not as a surprise that there are many social media elements surrounding it. You can connect with other creators of the application and share through its feed or other social media, the projects you are currently developing.

The experience Fifty Three gives iOS users is one of the bests, and it only gets better with the Pencil part of the equation. You have the Paper already on your phone, now if you like you can get the Pencil by ordering it to the brand, it is an external tool to immerse you more into it and personalize your own practice.

Tags: News - Technology - Paper - Pencil

Christopher Miller
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