Photos with hyperspeed

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Summary: Instagram decided to take a new route at 2014 when they invested on an iOS alternative of their own making called Hyperlapse; one app that keep the line of multimedia editing and social media sharing but with a more detailed purpose… shoot original videos from your phone and turn them super-fast (or at the range of speed you desire) as a fast forward tool. It can be read as something too simple to be a sole core deal for an application but it is in fact very cool. The simplicity of it

Instagram decided to take a new route at 2014 when they invested on an iOS alternative of their own making called Hyperlapse; one app that keep the line of multimedia editing and social media sharing but with a more detailed purpose… shoot original videos from your phone and turn them super-fast (or at the range of speed you desire) as a fast forward tool.

It can be read as something too simple to be a sole core deal for an application but it is in fact very cool. The simplicity of it remains it fresh, and thanks to it a tendency was set.

Inject frenzy to your own set of regular paced videos, speed them up and eliminate its routine too regular feeling, make it all seem like a fun ride and share it with the rest of the slowpoke world.

Why Hyperlapse and no other? The efficiency of it makes justice to the speed effect of the videos. The easiness of using the app and the time it takes to get it done is of admiration since it overpowers most of video editing programs of PC platforms and even Android.

Instagram’s Son

For starters the only thing you need to start is an idea. Take on the app, open it and start shooting the video you will like (or choose an already taken video), take a step back while the effect gets done super quick and then enjoyed your now enhanced condensed reality in seconds of hyper speed activity.

Photos with hyperspeed

The comparison between the original length in seconds of the video are, and the resulted seconds of the effect will be established to the users while applying it; each detailed of the new generated file will be all cleared out with basic features and all. For example, the basic ratio of each altered video is of 6:1 ratio; each file that last for a minute gets deliberately reduce to a 10 second lapse video giving and impression of super efficiency and a standard result.

Nevertheless the app has a settings format that is changeable. Meaning that even though the regular speed of each frenzy is up to speed six times beyond the original level, the user can alter it from a speed of 2x or 4x to even 12x if it fits.

As much speed you add to the video effect configuration then the file’s speed will surpass the 1 minute – 10 second rule to basically nothing. That action will result into making the videos weight nothing too. You can decide if once done, the video should be storage directly or keep the video only in the app (so it won’t be disturbing your memory’s space), post it instantaneously on a certain social media like Facebook or other.

Mixing up Hyperlapse with Instagram is the best choice to go when sharing is the issue, because it will not only keep your speed effect clean and clear but also you would be able to add effects such as vintage, retro or modern retouches that leave a result of pure fun and enjoyment.

Tags: News - Technology - Hyperlapse

Christopher Miller
"Looking for an amazing life!"


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3 years, 11 months ago

PRETTILICOUS  1 comments

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DeejayCass  1 comments


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