Robots and the American dream

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Summary: If people were already scared with the idea of machine’s taking over somehow, or artificial intelligence gone rouge from human configuration… then this combination will be ten times worse. Robots taking over our jobs Yeah, if people start to think about it seriously maybe society will fall into an abyss of paranoia. Because come on! It’s your work, that extremely hard routine you finally got to do for money and now someone is going to take it? And wait WHAT!? A machine

If people were already scared with the idea of machine’s taking over somehow, or artificial intelligence gone rouge from human configuration… then this combination will be ten times worse.

Robots taking over our jobs

Yeah, if people start to think about it seriously maybe society will fall into an abyss of paranoia.
Because come on! It’s your work, that extremely hard routine you finally got to do for money and now someone is going to take it? And wait WHAT!? A machine? Finally the world has gone insane.

And just like that set of words, people will start talking and growing preoccupied because yes, in many ways technology has stroked us out of several fields through the XX and XXI centuries, all started with industrialization and from there the use of machinery and other pieces of automatized process (and enhanced) were cheaper and better for business than paying a bunch of employees who were not in the ideal best of capacities regarding the field of work.

Anyhow, a question mark rises up with this phrase: With the current developments of artificial intelligence our human jobs will be on peril?

Time will aid in that narrative, and in a couple of years when a robot has a full level of A.I embedded on its techno skeleton then we will may or may not surrender, will we?

Robots and the American dream

Battle – RoboHumans

The battle for jobs between humanity and smart technology sometimes is a bit ridiculous because there’s no conflict at all going on neither on the surface nor the inside of things, is just what our reality throws in our way. If we encounter ourselves with process that can give us better results if we work along with an A.I specifically made for a purpose then we won’t need human workers to enroll into it, since just like human mind and A.I is supposed to be on constant expansion and also relay on big data, if we try to compete with that then we will have a super adversary to beat.

Automatized routines are certain royalties that not everyone has access to, at least not to everyone on the same capacity; nevertheless comfort is the number one service and desire of most of the population worldwide so it is basically impossible to make someone feel more comfortable without uncomforting at some point the employee who actions the service; the better option will be then to have robots doing the job for us.

The thing is that on reality things may not certainly be that way. Replacing humans with machines for ALL works do not boost up necessarily the time and progress of getting things done. In some fields the use of industrial robots is great till a degree, you can applied them in manufacturing process but also you won’t be ensuring all detailing unless they are more condensed robotics rather than just big unthinking machines. If a situation happens or the material is different, the machines won’t know what to do for now and problem solving is an essential part of ANY job… so for now it is safe to say that humanity will remain at work.

Tags: News - Technology - Robots

Christopher Miller
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