Smart Glasses!

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Summary: The eyes, a pair of our most precious organs and the core of our sense of sight; sometimes our vision is not the best, it gets deteriorated for many reasons and we seem in the necessity of buying a set of glasses to have better vision. Spectacles, bifocals; all sorts of glasses that help us, but at the same time don't. Is not a product conceived with the purpose of aiding you in regain a better sight, it actually can decrease it in the long run of your life. Depending on what sort of issue y

The eyes, a pair of our most precious organs and the core of our sense of sight; sometimes our vision is not the best, it gets deteriorated for many reasons and we seem in the necessity of buying a set of glasses to have better vision. Spectacles, bifocals; all sorts of glasses that help us, but at the same time don't. Is not a product conceived with the purpose of aiding you in regain a better sight, it actually can decrease it in the long run of your life.

Depending on what sort of issue you have in your eyes, different kinds of glasses can be acquired. There are people who don’t even need them but only to the purpose of reading because they are not capable of adjusting their sight while observing small letters; there are many situations presented that will lead you to the conclusion that you need glasses on.

What about this… There glasses in development that will aid you in all those matters, eliminating the necessity of reading glasses and normal glasses (per the percentage of your damage). They can replicate natural focus automatically, giving you the advantage of seeing all clear all the time, regarding the distance of objects near or far from you.

How they are constituted?

The smart glasses are constituted with liquid lenses that will help the inability of differencing things that are close from objects that are placed far from you (the main issue). The frame of the lenses comes with a distance meter that focus on the position of the person regarding the environment is in; this is done with infrared light tech hidden at the bridge of the frame.

Smart Glasses!

The material used for the lenses is glycerin. Those are enclosed together in frame characteristic of its flexible membrane; that is to keep preventing accidents that normally breaks other glasses, as less fragile it is, the better. Thanks to the membrane it can result comfortable for any bone structure and still do its work.

That part of the glasses is highly important because considering that data that it gathers, it will re adjust the curve of the lens, giving the wearers sight the spin that it needs to see correctly what desires. Is calculated that the time of that change happens instantaneously and quick, around a quarter of a second to be more precise.

The road for automatic process nowadays come with special and direct support of applications in the smartphones; and this smart glasses are not an exception. The app helps the user to adjust the automatically given prescription, by those standards it will give you a pair of glasses that will last for a long time with you and it won’t pose as a threat to your senses or sight perception with the pass of time.

Nevertheless, the smart glasses are still in trials and the presentation needs to be updated to a more modern and comfortable tool instead of the old-fashioned spectacles sort of design that its today.

Tags: News - Technology - Smart - Glasses

Christopher Miller
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