Smart safety

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Summary: Smart safety Are we really safe? Security systems installed around our houses are actually doing a job that transcends the common sense of insecurity we often have in this society? We often get into alleys while wondering how effective things are for us, and even more when it relays on other people or automated systems that may not foresee all the variables and outcomes we can see… It’s an odd feeling, when we are alone and we do not trust our surroundings, so the only thing it keeps us

Smart safety

Are we really safe? Security systems installed around our houses are actually doing a job that transcends the common sense of insecurity we often have in this society?

We often get into alleys while wondering how effective things are for us, and even more when it relays on other people or automated systems that may not foresee all the variables and outcomes we can see… It’s an odd feeling, when we are alone and we do not trust our surroundings, so the only thing it keeps us safe is the idea that those tools are protecting us, alerting us and maintaining our guards up when it actually matters.

But, does loud alarms and still cameras are really what we still want?

Could there be something better?

Well, it might. And it has to do with that lovable drone technology.

We know smart houses are a thing now, simple home security alarms are becoming a thing of the past now since intelligent systems are getting a hold of what gives a human being, and a family, a good and real sense of safeness.

To be fair, everything is “smarter” thanks to a commune development in the technology department of human evolution; and that’s why SunFlower Labs decided to pursue the direction of home security and the use of A.I to improve the effectiveness of it.

This is done through a combination between Home Awareness System and the Smart Lights of the same SunFlower Company.

They both are of great relevance for the process, since one control the patterns of the house routine characteristics regarding light and sound, while the other works through sensors and a wide angle of camera that monitors movement and increasing changes regarding the regular data it storages.

The unusual details in activity of light, sound, movement will activate the smart results the Sunflower Company has developed. The system will always be keen on the routine it learns of the household.

Home? Clear!

Smart safety1

There is a final detail that put the thumbs up on this invention, a great plus for such a promising (but not too groundbreaking) home awareness system… Drone support!

Yes, Sunflower has added to the security mix a deal of Flying Camera action, and as all the other former devices this one is linked to the others. Meaning that if the smart lights system detects something off it will sent a signal to the flying drone so the work will be done by cooperation of both elements, with the purpose of identify faster and clearer what and from where the threat is presenting.

As if it weren’t enough, all the action going on at your household will be broadcast live on your device through the built-in application that you should have in all devices.

From any kind of experience you can learn, and Sunflower will learn along with you. Decide which occurrences are of higher relevance in order to pilot the security system in the right direction regarding the alert and how to proceed.

This device is a seed of safeness you will plant at home almost literally, and as you water it with the right pieces of detail as it goes learning by itself, the more secured you’ll be.

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Christopher Miller
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