Snap a bite!

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Summary: Have you ever kept a journal of your life? The everyday of what you do; did, and also what you will and want to do? If not, it's not too late for you! The only thing left to decide is what you would like to write about and for what purpose. It can be as general as you want or something specific... writing down our actions, thoughts and wishes can be very therapeutic and healthy, a basic tool for organize ourselves and cement the road for change. Today you take a step in any direction and ins

Have you ever kept a journal of your life? The everyday of what you do; did, and also what you will and want to do? If not, it's not too late for you! The only thing left to decide is what you would like to write about and for what purpose. It can be as general as you want or something specific... writing down our actions, thoughts and wishes can be very therapeutic and healthy, a basic tool for organize ourselves and cement the road for change.

Today you take a step in any direction and instantaneously someone or something appears to tell you that you can do it better, there’s more to what you are capable not only the extent of what you have achieved. Organization, goals, and a more healthy way of life is a constant reminder that our conscience and many sources at general media scream to us, adjustment are in order to be better, self-improvement at any category we can imagine; financial stability, body building and proactivity, knowledge and professional capacity, health and nutrition, and many more.

The best way to achieve our goals is to track our steps around the daily routine. And a good move to take for start is applying for the help of a digital agenda or interactive organizer; this year the app “Bitesnap” has reached both iOS and Android platform to accompany us in the road to improvement of a better diet and encouragement for immerse in the cooking world.

Snap a bite!

The 1.0 version of a healthier reality

How do the system work? The app is more of a journal to help you be better at eating healthy food. Giving users notice of what they eat, how much and show if it’s actually necessary. Take photos of all the meals you take, add up the requested information the app needs and that’s all, you will have a track history with all the values of the food, nutrients, vitamins, and of course calories.

Bitesnap is a perfect tool, for all those people wanting to lose weight and get in line; accomplish a healthier equilibrium in their day – by – day, gather insight into better food that can benefit certain aspects rather like stamina, brain activity, etc. Bitesnap is designed to help all sorts of people and only requires your commitment, since it does all the data work and gives you the good interface for an easy process of checking, writing, and storage of your journal.

Log all the meals you have and the building of a good stability will always be in check and progress, finish what you start! Nutritional facts sometimes are scary, but this is not a doctor punishing you, it is actually yourself remind you through this tool that you have a goal and there’s no reason to leave it unturned. Everything can be improved; the individual progress is the first thing we need to see in order to move forward with the world and others. Identify what goes and don’t in the daily situations of your life, use more apps like this and your smart phone will turn out to be of more value to you.

Tags: News - Technology - Bitesnap

Christopher Miller
"Looking for an amazing life!"


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