Switzerland is choosing cleaner energy!

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Summary: About damn time! For many years a part of the world wide population has being working with the goal of getting new energy sources as the main fountain for keeping society in most of its fields just as it is, but better. Reduce the damage done to earth’s nature, stop the exploitation of common and massive sources of energy, and evolve into more conscious citizens of the world that apply for cleaner resources that also have a better quality for our daily process of moving forward. Early yes

About damn time!

For many years a part of the world wide population has being working with the goal of getting new energy sources as the main fountain for keeping society in most of its fields just as it is, but better. Reduce the damage done to earth’s nature, stop the exploitation of common and massive sources of energy, and evolve into more conscious citizens of the world that apply for cleaner resources that also have a better quality for our daily process of moving forward.

Early yesterday, one of the great countries of Europe decided to vote positive for renewable energies and cast out in a lower place, the nuclear power.

We are talking about Switzerland! The great land of good cheese, scientists and natural foreign wonders; one of the great advances of this country in the past few years is the serious development of eco-friendly technology, introducing ideologies into society and culture that can abide for the growth of stronger awareness and conscience regarding better ways to go on with life styles and clean renewable sources of energy.

Switzerland has put the example first, and they now have officially declare they will no longer work with the dangerous and contaminating nuclear power as a main source of energy but rather use the major resource of nature adapted to produce natural power.

Switzerland energy

Over all their territory the voting process showed that more than the 58% of the population was positive about this decision, the move towards greener power sources was the subject that finally got done at a referendum that went down at past Sunday, 21th of May.

Till this day, the country owns five ageing big nuclear power plants, which provide around a third of the whole country's energy requirements, the goal now that most people are on board is to increase the investment of time and money on real energy sources that rely on the wind, the sun, and also hydro power too. Even though there is no date written on stone, the decision has been taken now, even though there’s a general concern in the opposite side that proves to be quite valid.

Nuclear Energy

Switzerland energy1

Nuclear energy and others of the common day are quite cheaper if we compare them to new alternatives, the investment card would present at least two times higher with let’s say solar panels, and that could hurt the general level of the country’s economic stability. Nevertheless that should not be a stop for green energy, since any change presented as the distinctive alternative of the regular industrialized option will not only see as expensive but also an enemy of the economic base under the industry of energy.

Regula Rytz, the president of the Switzerland's Green party, has concluded with great enthusiasm that the election turned as a success, praising the decision of the vote and establishing this new path as a great moment in history, a piece of change that is going to turn this around to a new world of conscious direction and advancement towards a better world.

Tags: News - Energy - Environment - Europe

Christopher Miller
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