Summary: Telegram is an instant messaging application for the mobile and the computers that puts all emphasis on the safety and speed of the communications. In no time it has captured hundreds of thousands of users removing land from the still powerful WhatsApp. And one of its main advantages is the free service. Telegram offers secret chats with direct communication from mobile to mobile, without passing by the Telegram servers and also with functions of self destruction of messages, according to th
Telegram is an instant messaging application for the mobile and the computers that puts all emphasis on the safety and speed of the communications. In no time it has captured hundreds of thousands of users removing land from the still powerful WhatsApp. And one of its main advantages is the free service.
Telegram offers secret chats with direct communication from mobile to mobile, without passing by the Telegram servers and also with functions of self destruction of messages, according to the security that participants want to impose.
Telegram is a cross platform, that allows you to send files up to GB in size and offers free cloud storage, which means you can access the content of the messages and files sent from any of our computers and multiple mobile devices.
When you register in Telegram all you need is to register a phone number and avoid having to wait for a confirmation e-mail. For a chat application, this is the best option, and both Telegram as WhatsApp have it. The extra detail that has Telegram is that you can decide to get a nickname or nick so that those who do not have your number can recognize.
Through this application you can send a pdf file to another person, and even a apk of an application, as you can share any kind of known file, currently the size limit is (hold on where you can) 1.5GB per file.
With Telegram you can, apart from using it on your smartphone, use on both tablet and PC and following the same steps and entering the code you get from Telegram to sent to your PC. You can use the web version of the application or, if you do not want to have opened it, just for that is the browser, download the Windows application. The recording mode is the same. Telegram helps you to extend the battery life of your smartphone thanks to the PC version, which is one more reason to love this app, plus it syncs perfectly.
Telegram allows you to create conversations with groups of 200 people per group, which perhaps is not something that many people need, but it is good to know that is available.
One of the advantages of Telegram for the security is that it is an application that is encrypted and also cloud based. This allows you to access the chats on any device (smartphone, tablet or PC) to continue the conversation or download the file sent to you on the device you want.
It also provides options such as the self destruction of secret chats or messages. The secret chats you may be very interesting, and its best role is to be advised if your contact does a screenshot of the chat.
Aesthetically Telegram is a very nice application. The predominant color is close to white, and blue. And we have shown some advantages of this application and you're ready to try it, just have to download it to your Smartphone.
Official Sites
Official Site: TelegramWindows/Linux/OSX: Telegram Desktop
Apple Store: Telegram iOS
Google Play: Telegram Android
Windows Phone: Telegram Windows Store
Amazon Appstore: Not Available
6 years, 11 months ago
Hi guys, i a newbie here.
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