The Best way to learn playing about World Geography

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Summary: World Geography is an Android game about questions with a trivia style, which it is going to help you to learn everything about our big blue globe’s geography, an all conglomerate of geographic data, maps, pictures of each countries’ flags, their capital’s information, languages that are talked in all countries, its monetary icon and many other things. This Android game is going to help you to learn everything about countries in a very easy way and also fun. It has 6000 questions with 4 leve

World Geography is an Android game about questions with a trivia style, which it is going to help you to learn everything about our big blue globe’s geography, an all conglomerate of geographic data, maps, pictures of each countries’ flags, their capital’s information, languages that are talked in all countries, its monetary icon and many other things. This Android game is going to help you to learn everything about countries in a very easy way and also fun.

It has 6000 questions with 4 levels of difficulty, information about 325 countries, regions and islands in all the planet, a gallery with more than 1500 different pictures, statistics about your weaknesses after each game in the geographical knowledge, a ranking of the world’s qualification to see how much you know about geography comparing with other users and a grand encyclopaedia.

World Geography app store

Countless questions and game modes

There are a multitude of different alternatives to play, on each one, it is solicited a different information to the player. This can be the location on the map, its population, questions about border areas, identify the emblem, identify the religion, what is its flag or country, what language is talked in a determinate region, what is its capital city, or if it has the capital, you have to say the country, the currency that is used in a determinate state, name of the highest point of a country, which is the surface area, locate the capital on the map, what is the average age of its people, what life expectancy has, how much is its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and other more variables.

Also, it appears questions about how much percentage, or earth space is cultivable its fertility level, the motto of the country, the school life expectancy, and even its predominant way of economy life (agriculture, trade, farming, manufacturing, oil production, energy...) This amazing Android app counts with a big acceptance, both as Android game as educational utility; it is an excellent tool for teachers and instructors, which they can guide their alumnus in the fascinating world of the geography, bringing an important support thanks to its enriching content, and also with each update that it does, it is appended more pictures to its gallery and more details to its maps. Geography, as the rest of the study fields, is changing, and any Android app that includes this type of content, it has to be constantly updated.

For the big ones, teenagers and any other passionate by knowledge

This Android App is educative and uses the playful to the geography’s teaching, so it is practical for all the ages, a funny option to the healthy enjoyment with family and as a collaborative game.

The game is available in 8 different languages. It accumulates more than half million of downloads and an acceptance level of 4.6 in the Play Store, so that positions it as one the games with best punctuation of all Android app’s offer.

Tags: News - Game - World - Geography

Christopher Miller
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