Summary: This week, the Uber Company presented its first driverless vehicle, a prototype that the United State of America company would begin testing on the streets of the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the northeastern of the United States. The company based in the city of San Francisco said that Pittsburgh is the ideal place to try the autonomous cars, because it has a variety of climates and roads. For its essay, the Uber Company uses a Ford Fusion that contains several radars, sensors, c
This week, the Uber Company presented its first driverless vehicle, a prototype that the United State of America company would begin testing on the streets of the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the northeastern of the United States.
The company based in the city of San Francisco said that Pittsburgh is the ideal place to try the autonomous cars, because it has a variety of climates and roads.
For its essay, the Uber Company uses a Ford Fusion that contains several radars, sensors, cameras and other equipment. Uber Technologies Inc. announced a partnership with Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh last year. It also opened its own Advanced Technology Center, which it's run by a former engineer of the University in robotics.
Many groups of automakers and technology development are working in such vehicles as a way to facilitate the mobility of the disabled or elderly people, and to reduce the accidents and the traffic jams on the roads.
One of these projects that it has advanced, it's the Google Car of the internet American Giant Alphabet, who announced earlier this month that it had made a request to the Italian manufacturer Fiat company of a hundred specially adapted minivans.
No only the Google Company and the Uber Company, but also the Lyft Company, another American shuttle of chauffeured cars, the Ford Company and the Volvo Company, revealed in late April that they have founded the Coalition of Autonomous conduction for the safer streets to promote the autonomous vehicles in the United States of America.
1.3 million people die each year in car accidents and in a 94% of the cases the accident was a human error, the company representatives said.
The company announced that they are testing its first autonomous car. At the moment, it’s circulating to collect the data from the streets and highways of the city.
The company says that during the tour it will present a human driver to prevent the accidents during the testing.
The car has high resolution cameras to photograph all the places where it's circulating, plus laser sensors and a radar system to determine the position of the vehicle, and any obstacles in its way.When the vehicle is in the mode of self driving is a trained driver in the passenger seat to monitor the operation.
The Uber ATC truck is equipped with a variety of sensors. These tests serve to the Uber company to draw conclusions to the further develop their autonomous driving technology, because they believe that these vehicles can improve the quality of life to the people worldwide.
The Uber company didn’t specify when they plan to put this service to the users.
Google, the company that it has bet on the use of autonomous cars, argues that the driverless cars are the best alternative to avoid the traffic accidents.
The automotive vehicle development is on the priority list of the major automotive companies and others who aspire to participate in this market, such as Apple Company, but with these tests, Uber Company have taken a big step towards this direction.
7 years, 1 month ago
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