Virtual Reality 2017

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Summary: Wherever you turn your head there is VR working on, or maybe you don't notice... because is getting too real! Platforms of VR are of higher quality than at least 3 years ago and now many brands and companies are betting on it as a definite tool for the future and all is going on through smartphone platforms mixed with Gear VR such as Samsung, Oculus Rift and Google’s Daydream. It is commonly believed that once the “fuzz” of VR games is done then that technology will die but

Wherever you turn your head there is VR working on, or maybe you don't notice... because is getting too real! Platforms of VR are of higher quality than at least 3 years ago and now many brands and companies are betting on it as a definite tool for the future and all is going on through smartphone platforms mixed with Gear VR such as Samsung, Oculus Rift and Google’s Daydream.

It is commonly believed that once the “fuzz” of VR games is done then that technology will die but is such a questionable idea since the gaming realm is more of a commercial category to sell fast and safe, but is also a field were many details of ideas are tested and quickly evolve in to even more higher ground and other sorts of fields and audience too.

A great percentage of the gaming and techno enthusiasts’ community shares their opinion regarding the future of VR and concludes that it might be a step forward to AR devices (Augmented Reality) rather than more VR tech. The immersive experience that the former can give you is too closed up into one space in your head, rather than the AR that allows you to keep interacting with your real world environment and people instead of a digital world to seal yourself in experience.

Youtube and its VR Lab

In between of those two ideas there’s one simply called mixed reality which poses as the solution to avoid even the possibility of VR gaming’s death and the lack of excitement towards Augmented Reality; a middle point that could allow a more immersive experience in the end.

People at YouTube are eager to make that idea work, successfully; so in order to accomplish a bit of that they have established a facility called “Reality Lab” – where they work with a room of green screens and specialized PC and tech system to construct this ongoing project.

Virtual Reality 2017

Also called YouTube Space, the ideas worked by the team are likely to parallel bits of the original concept of VR Gears back at 1990 because even though the controllers are now lighter and less bothering and more functional and sensitive, it is still an individual experience in a digital world which can be so much more.

In order to get a full cycle to VR gaming, YouTube decided to incorporate a virtual camera that is on synch with the same system of the VR Gear, that way it will capture the environment and all details of the individual experience throughout the game. Other people will serve as amazed spectators of what’s going on.

Being able to perceive what happens on the inside and what is on the outside, a concept that could work even better for other sorts of VR experiences rather than just gaming, but for now is the core field the team is trying on. So far it has given cool results in areas like 3D drawing and digital exploring, the main goal of the team at the Lab is to make of VR a complete experience for everybody, something immersive for all of us.

Tags: News - Technology - Youtube

Christopher Miller
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