Yellow submarine - drone

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Summary: Welcome to the revolution of drone technology! Wait, that already happened, and to be honest it is almost not something new but that doesn’t stop it from being a great step forward in the right direction of robotics. With each news we get about A.I and drones, smartphones, and products that basically are created by the art of magic, we feel like living in a generation closer to the imagined future we saw at 1980s films and tv series. Since we already have flying drones all over our he

Welcome to the revolution of drone technology!
Wait, that already happened, and to be honest it is almost not something new but that doesn’t stop it from being a great step forward in the right direction of robotics. With each news we get about A.I and drones, smartphones, and products that basically are created by the art of magic, we feel like living in a generation closer to the imagined future we saw at 1980s films and tv series.

Since we already have flying drones all over our heads and skies, then why not underwater?

PowerRay is the newest member of the drone family and it has been designed ideally to aid in the field of fishing and sea exploring; it comes with the shape and looks of a ray fish and it can navigates under water by itself with an automated profile while being monitored from your smartphone device.

PowerRay comes with an excellent quality camera that won’t leave no stone unturned an no pixel lost, with a lens with 4K resolution everything you get with it will be a valuable item for your exploring activity. The camera can transmit in real time resisting water pressure till the point of 30 meters deep inside the sea; also the reach of the signal can broadcast live and directly at your device’s screen everything the drone is seeing.

The utilities for the PowerRay are plenty, and even more for modern fishers who want to identify the right spots to do their work accordingly, it is an excellent aid to construct strategies for more precision in the field. Thanks to a well though system within its structure, the drone can actually pretend to be a fish because of its “FishFinder”, a sonar mode that allows it to locate all types of underwater prey and it can be used within the drone or separately (for people who are interested in multitasking).

Obviously the mobile app will allows you to access in a blink to the right information about fish, the local water and its temperature, depth, pressure, and many other essential details to work better in this environment.

Yellow submarine - drone

Is it affordable?

That depends on the stability of your income and economy, but in the end an investment like this can result in more than just a rewarding experience but a profitable way to spend your money if you work things out correctly.

The PowerRay market price (depending of the model you choose of course) goes around 1200 to 2000 EUR. With a battery of 94.72 Wh, an ISO range from 100 to 1600 and a shutter speed of 1/30 60s, this drone is like any other yet; every cent put into this will possible be a well spent money.

It is better that the device is adequate and adaptive to the surroundings of the sea, so that way it won’t necessarily scare fish away, neither call too much the attention of water predators that could endanger the drone itself. A well thought piece of tech that represents all go and no misses.

Tags: News - Technology - Drone

Christopher Miller
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