Squeeze the juice of incomes


Squeeze the juice of incomes

Per day an individual can have so many expenses and sometimes all at once, whatever it is the person is doing and where is going, any sort of payment is probably involved. The simplest of services is charged, and even though we can avoid plenty of them we still are going to face the necessity of affording something. So how can we actually achieve a l... see more »

May the music be ever in our favor


May the music be ever in our favor

The new world of technology and constant updates gave us an alternative to access media via streaming. Many companies have accepted that path and at some level, people are freer to enjoy most of the contents of the media. Our favorite TV programming, exciting films that we couldn’t catch at the theater, animated shows, documentaries, and even n... see more »

Snap a bite!


Snap a bite!

Have you ever kept a journal of your life? The everyday of what you do; did, and also what you will and want to do? If not, it's not too late for you! The only thing left to decide is what you would like to write about and for what purpose. It can be as general as you want or something specific... writing down our actions, thoughts and wishes can be ... see more »

The myth: My wi-fi sucks


The myth: My wi-fi sucks

Possibly true! But not necessarily. You’re probably thinking that it is your wireless internet connection the only one with issues, well let me tell you that even at big companies there can be problems with the internet signal and wi-fi becomes a frustrating aspect of it. Of most technical issues that can happen around the office this is the... see more »

The palette of cultural diversion in Silicon Valley


The palette of cultural diversion in Silicon Valley

Since its averted birth, the Silicon Valley’s community has given the U.S and even the world, many ideas that changed the route technology and science had coming before 1980; the region became symbol of reference and praise which most of the local habitants are mixed up in startups, business, and groups that dedicate their time to technological... see more »

Facebook harsh reality


Facebook harsh reality

Oculus has been since 2014 a direct adopted relative of the Facebook Company; with many excellences delivered past year, virtual reality advances has been accomplished thanks to their investment and research at 2016. And now is moving on to grow much more in the same field and beyond; but so far is not having the promised success in early 2017. Th... see more »

Smart Glasses!


Smart Glasses!

The eyes, a pair of our most precious organs and the core of our sense of sight; sometimes our vision is not the best, it gets deteriorated for many reasons and we seem in the necessity of buying a set of glasses to have better vision. Spectacles, bifocals; all sorts of glasses that help us, but at the same time don't. Is not a product conceived with... see more »

Virtual Reality 2017


Virtual Reality 2017

Wherever you turn your head there is VR working on, or maybe you don't notice... because is getting too real! Platforms of VR are of higher quality than at least 3 years ago and now many brands and companies are betting on it as a definite tool for the future and all is going on through smartphone platforms mixed with Gear VR such as Samsung, Oculus ... see more »

Almost teleportation – Virtual Reality


Almost teleportation – Virtual Reality

Technological improvement happens every day, more details are given to the experience process of transporting ourselves through the mind and senses to different places without moving an inch of our bodies. That could finally be possible since nowadays virtual reality projects are evolving into more immersive experiences that grow constantly with more... see more »

Forex, Stock and raw materials


Forex, Stock and raw materials

Forex, Stocks and Raw materials is the application that will allow you to join the thousands of Traders who daily work in the world of investment brokerage, Forex, binary options and capital markets, with the most reliable network system for Android sponsored by www.Investing.com , which will be always informed about the behavior of all financial mar... see more »

WhatsApp - Download

Official Site

WhatsApp - Download

Platforms of social media went from simplistic and single way oriented to highly efficient components of worldwide communications in a matter of a few years. As smart phones systems were expanding, so it was the toolkit app stores had available for users, and sooner than later they became more essential to the experience of the device. Truth is, afte... see more »

Bitcoin Exchange


Bitcoin Exchange

Bitcoin currency is becoming increasingly the boom of the financial world. It is so big that is being used by many investors for operations in different international markets. Although it is only a virtual currency, it counts with great public support and day by day becomes more stable than any other fiduciary or physical currency. For this reason... see more »

Viber - Download

Official Site

Viber - Download

Send messages with good vibes Viber Media – Is the company responsible for the creation of the app “Viber”, an alternative for the instant messaging demand in the app world. It has 6 years on the market since 2010 and has almost a billion of users registered on its database. The original idea was designed to compete against a Skype system, but it ... see more »

Indeed Jobs, the app to find a job


Indeed Jobs, the app to find a job

Today, everything is based on technology, even the job search that before was done in the newspaper or door to door. The same was substituted by websites. There are so many options on the Internet of websites that request your information and resume to send you possible offers, and if you are interested in send your CV to the company. The disadvantag... see more »

Pinterest - Download

Official Site

Pinterest - Download

Get your ideas on plain sight with Pinterest How relevant Pinterest can be for marketing? Might be a question you asked yourself at some point, or maybe not. We have so many options from where to choose to advertise for ourselves, but it is so often difficult to make a decision of what might be best for business. So, what’s the right course of actio... see more »


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